Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Three-year girl was abuse, in the hospital dying, because of a chronic lack of legs, a body like the one last year, babies who avoid from the dead. Activate the camera footage.

【影片】2015.06.11 畜生情侶 火刑虐死3歲娃!摔碎頭骨!百處瘀青
三歲女童被凌虐,送醫時奄奄一息,因長期營養不良,瘦小身軀宛如一歲娃,昨宣告不治。翻攝畫面【王文傑、李光濱╱花蓮報導】畜生不如的廢渣!花蓮一名命運多舛的三歲女童,由遠房堂阿姨撫養,但堂阿姨的同居男友常對她施以藤條抽打、菸燙胯下、火燒腳踝,以及勒脖、摔地、塑膠帶綑綁、關衣櫃等七大酷刑凌虐,女童前天被打到昏迷送醫,昨晚不治。醫護人員發現女童身上有上百道傷痕,顱骨被摔到粉碎性骨折,無法相信小小身軀竟承受這麼兇殘的傷害。檢方昨以最重可處無期徒刑的傷害致死罪,收押堂阿姨及其男友。女童在世短短三年從未有過好日子。母親(二十一歲)三年前與男友未婚生下她,因為受不了男友家暴,拋下女童離家,女童生父因毒品案入獄,她從此變成人球,由生父的親友輪流照料,六個月大時交由生母堂姊林惠珍(三十四歲)撫養。 涉虐死女童的堂阿姨林惠珍與男友黃文政,昨被收押。王文傑攝火燒腳踝菸燙胯下林女因右腳小兒麻痺,沒有固定工作,經濟來源仰賴男友,兩人去年分手;今年一月,林女與剛出獄、做粗工的黃文政(三十二歲)同居。女童將林女當媽媽,林女卻對女童冷淡,照顧有一餐沒一餐的,女童因此營養不良。而黃男只要喝酒、吸毒或心情不好,就拿女童出氣,除用藤條抽打,還用菸頭燙女童腰部和胯下、拿打火機燒她右腳踝,或將她關進衣櫃,不給她飯吃。前天下午,女童吃飯時突然倒地昏迷,林女以為她喉嚨被異物卡住,通報一一九,救護人員到場急救,女童毫無反應,送醫途中一度失去呼吸心跳,到院後恢復生命跡象,但昏迷指數僅三。救護人員說,林女堅稱女童是吃東西噎住,但女童嘴裡根本沒東西,且頭髮剪得亂七八糟,衣服也髒髒的,林女卻沒有很緊張的樣子。院方發現女童全身瘀青,懷疑被虐,緊急通報警方。警方偵訊林女時,才知女童遭虐已近半年,林女向警方說,上周女童打翻水,男友賞了女童四巴掌,還將她重摔在地,女童昏迷兩分鐘才醒來。 九公斤身軀像一歲警方調查,黃嫌虐待女童時,林女不但沒制止,竟跟著斥責:「誰叫妳不乖!」警方詢問為何不伸援手,反而幫腔加害?她竟回:「我不這樣做,被打的可能就是我!」黃嫌到案後對施虐的殘忍行徑極力撇清,一副事不關己,反控是林女下的重手,還說:「我什麼都不知道,不關我的事。」黃嫌和林女互推責任,直到移送地檢署,黃嫌才坦承女童哭鬧太吵出手教訓。昨晚女童不治,死亡時身高約七十公分、體重九公斤,外型像一歲孩童,據衛福部兒童生長曲線表,三歲女童平均身高是九十五公分、體重十三點九公斤,女童明顯瘦小。院方檢查女童身體,發現她的條狀瘀青至少上百條,眼眶被打到瘀青,右腳踝有燒傷,腰部和胯下有圓點狀燙傷,最嚴重的是頭頂右側顱骨粉碎性骨折、顱內瘀血,醫護看了都相當難過。檢方認為黃嫌、林女有逃亡、串供之虞,向法院聲押獲准。 女童受虐傷勢圖顱傷 女童頭頂顱骨粉碎性骨折、顱內瘀血。翻攝畫面鞭痕 女童全身至少有數百道遭藤條抽打的瘀痕。翻攝畫面女童生母女童生母昨泣不成聲,痛斥施暴者「下手這麼狠」。王文傑攝母泣:下手這麼狠女童生母昨獲悉後,抱著新婚所生的一歲男嬰到地檢署,面對詢問泣不成聲,只說:「怎麼下手這麼狠?」隨即快步離開。花蓮縣府社會處表示,女童沒有被虐通報紀錄,也非列管高風險家庭。據衛福部統計,去年六歲以下受虐兒多達兩千六百二十六人,兒福聯盟資源發展處主任陳雅惠指出,六歲以下幼童不需強制就學,無法透過學校通報機制及早發現受虐,是受虐最嚴重的年齡層,目前只能透過鄰里關懷通報救命,但台灣人會覺得打小孩是家長管教,不應介入,讓受虐童每天生活在地獄中。她說,若鄰家孩子有經常淒厲哭喊等虐童徵兆,都應通報,「就算是誤會一場,對幼童也是一種保護」。至於有社福團體打算上街,要求修法保護兒童安全,還有網友推動殺童唯一死刑連署,靖娟兒童安全基金會執行長林月琴認為,嚴刑峻法或可達到嚇阻效果,但對於龔重安(文化國小割喉案)、曾文欽(台南遊藝場割喉案)這種想死卻拉幼童陪葬者,可能沒有太大作用。 堂姨視同殺人共犯律師廖芳萱指出,傷害致死罪可處七年以上徒刑或無期徒刑,但女童只有三歲,「大人不可能不知道重摔的後果」,應以殺人罪論處,可處十年以上、無期徒刑或死刑,依《兒權法》再加重其刑二分之一;女童的堂阿姨該保護卻無作為,視同殺人共犯。 如何發現鄰家兒童受虐★鄰家常有吵架、丟砸物品聲★鄰家育有幼童,卻很少帶出門★鄰家常傳出幼童淒厲哭喊聲★幼童哭聲維持很久時間★幼童比同齡小孩瘦小、衣著髒亂、精神不佳、有不明傷痕註:若發現鄰家孩童有上述異狀,立即通報113婦幼專線或向110報案,通報者身分保密資料來源:兒童福利聯盟 影片來源 #蘋果日報★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★請幫忙分享本段文字訊息給親朋好友!以及媒體、臉書、LINE、論壇、BBS、名人...★請大家加入連署【反對「廢除死刑」粉絲團】 https://www.facebook.com/appdeath ★社會重大殺人刑案影片 https://www.facebook.com/appdeath/videos★請踴躍參加【活動】司法無能!反對「廢除死刑」!我們必須維護最基本的生命安全 https://www.facebook.com/events/880496815329827
Dikirim oleh 反對「廢除死刑」粉絲團 pada 10 Juni 2015

 Three-year girl was abuse, in the hospital dying, because of a chronic lack of legs, a body like the one last year, babies who avoid from the dead. Activate the camera footage.
The Wang Wenjie, Lee Kwang Marina ╱ hualien story] SPECIAL THAN THE SLUDGE! Hualien a fate suffered many mishaps of three-year girl, by the church's aunt upbringing away, but from the church aunt cohabitant he always whipping for twigs, cigarette, burning heat between my legs, ankles, and le veiled, wrestling, with a plastic belt with in closet , etc. Seven of torture, abuse of the girl hit the day before yesterday, in a coma and died last night. Medical personnel found the girl in the street, there are hundreds of wounded, broken skull was fractured was broken, could not believe that little body was so cruel of the injured. The most important prosecution yesterday to life imprisonment of injuries, deaths in custody of the crime of the church's aunt and her boyfriend.
Girl's short life, never have a good day. Mother (twenty-first) three years ago with a girlfriend unmarried birth to him, because he could not stand his girlfriend violence in the home, leaving the girl, the girl 's father for drug cases sentenced to prison, he refused to turn into a ball, by the father of rotation, brother care of relatives and friends at the age of six months by the mother when the cousin lam hye jin (old) upbringing.
Arrested for breach of the dead girls aunt church wai lam wong-Chun and girlfriend bunsei, yesterday was in custody. Wang Wenjie spectrograph
Breathing hot fire between my legs, ankles.
Lam girls right foot poliomyelitis, there is no fixed work, economic sources, two on boyfriend until the end of last year; in January of this year, lam female and just got out of prison, workers do wong man raw land (long) cohabiting.
The girl will be women when the mother lam, lam woman but cool for girls, take care to eat do not eat, therefore the girls and malnutrition. And for the yellow drinking, drug abuse, or in a bad mood, take out on the girl child, in addition to sugar cane, also whipping butts hot girls waist and Crotch me, get a lighter to burn her right ankle, or will he put in the closet , do not give him to eat.
The day before yesterday afternoon, the girl at the dinner suddenly fell to the ground in a coma, lam women think he's throat is a foreign object stuck, one by one, the direction of nine ambulance officers at the scene, the girl first aid without reaction, on the way home pain after missing breathing and heartbeat, to the court after the restoration of the sign of life, but only in a coma index c.
Ambulance personnel said, lam woman insisted that she was eating choking, but the girl is not something in my mouth, and you must cut messy hair, dirty clothes, lam women, but not nervous. The hospital found that the girl's body bruises, suspected battered, emergency to notify the police.
Police interrogating lam woman, will know she has been battered by nearly half a year, to a female police lam, said that she spilled water last week, boyfriend appreciate girls IV 's gift, he will weigh fell, with the girls Just waking up in a coma for two minutes.
Nine kg of body such as one year old
The police investigation, wong too abuse of girls, when a woman is nothing but lam concealment, actually follow rebuking: "Who said there is no good!" Police asked why no stretch, not helping, helping cavity victimization? He tried to go back to: "I do not do this, I might be beat!"
For too wong after the abuser to cruel story of the Apostles, so to uninvolved, challenging women are under lam, says: "The Punch. I do not know anything, it does not concern me."
Wong too and lam woman hit each other until the transfer of responsibility, da, wong too just claimed the girl was crying too hard electrified lessons learned. The girl who died last night, when the death was standing about seventy-nine centimeters, weight kg, style, like a child one year old, according to wei Fukube child growth curve chart, the three-year average girl's height, weight, ninety Centimeters thirteen points nine kilograms, arts and clear.
Hospital to check the body, the girl discovered she tulung bruises, at least a hundred eyes exposed bruises, right at the ankles, waist to burn and my Crotch point polka-like fuel, the most serious was on the right side of the head crushed skull fractures, sexual, hemorrhagia ruptured vessel, blood watch all health care is very sad. Sights prosecution, lin wong also there, women run the risk of collusion to vote, the court granted custody.
Girl's battered body figure
Injured nerve
Girls head crushed skull fractures, sexual, hemorrhagia ruptured blood vessel. Activate the camera footage.
The body of the girl at least a few hundred street are branches of whipping bruises. Activate the camera footage.
The girl's mother was born.
The girl's birth mother was crying loudly yesterday, berate, perpetrators of "do it". So hard. Wang Wenjie spectrograph
Mother cried: Is it so hard.
The mother was told that the girl yesterday after the wedding, holding a baby boy was born to the da's office, not in the face of tears voice asks, just say: "The way to do that?" So hard. Quickstep to leave immediately. Hualien County Government social services, said the girl was never old from Abuse Records, tubes contained high-risk families.
According wei Fukube statistics in recent years, six years abused the following children up to two thousand six hundred and twenty-six people, children fook union resource development branch director Chen nga wai who, under the age of six young son need not mandatory school through school, can not provide a mechanism for the early detection of battered, was the most seriously battered of age, currently only the information through neighbor care help, but would think Taiwan beat a child is disciplined, parents, should not intervene if realized, let abused children live in prison from the ground. He said that if the boy next door has been used to cry, cry laughing - laughing, as a symptom of pedophilia, all communications should be, "Even if it was a mistake, for the young man who is also a form of protection".
As an office for the welfare and the group with the intention to ask the way, the practice of child protection and safety, and netizens to promote only the death penalty for killing a child, sign, ms jing child safety foundation CEO, lam yueqin reached to see, June or prevent the effects, but for heavy gong ann (throat culture base case), Got Wen Qin (Tainan Youyi a case of throat) who wants to die, but die with young children who he may not be too big a role.
Church aunt as an accomplice in the killing.
Liu Fang xuan lawyer that death, injury may be guilty of more than seven years in prison or life imprisonment, but only three girls, "I do not know my God is not possible to consider the consequences of falling" should have been transmitted, the murder, but above, prison life or death sentence, according to his son is also another bad penalty; maiden aunts half of the protection of the Church, but none as feet, regarded as murder.
How child abuse is found next door
★ happening next door, threw the fight to destroy the ballot item
★ next door, with young children rarely take
★ next door always preach crying young child crying
★ crying young child to maintain a long time.
★ young people from children of the same age, skinny, scruffy clothing, spiritual, with unknown injuries
Note: If a child next door have found this unusual, immediately inform the row or mother to the police, nafa tong bao zhe secret identity
Source: child welfare union

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Three-year girl was abuse, in the hospital dying, because of a chronic lack of legs, a body like the one last year, babies who avoid from the dead. Activate the camera footage.
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